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Image Carousel

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Main image for add-on

Image Carousel

Need that little visual touch that pulls your project together? The Image carousel add-on offers just that. The ability to display multiple images that swap through one after the other automatically enhances the user experience and offers more visual engagement.

You don't just have to display images, however. You can craft your own content cards with text and imagery to use for information, advertisements and promotion. With additional options to adjust the carousel animation and the transition speed, it allows you to tailor each component to your project's aesthetic. These four options are:

• Fade
• Cube
• Coverflow
• Flip

As well as the transition animation, you can adjust the time delay between the auto-play and even if you want it to auto-transition at all. Using the navigation arrows, you can easily move manually to the next graphic once you're ready.

Questions or comments on this add-on? Head over to the community and join the discussion.
Last Updated 
February 22, 2025
Compatible with  
Squirrel v1.10+
