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Display temporary messages to users

Greetings. Warnings. Tips. Fun little notifications that pop up when interacting with a project offer a little interaction from the builder to the end user. Using the Toast add-on, these little messages can range from a little "Hello! Thanks for joining us" to "Warning! You missed a step" to "Here's a Tip: Click this button to continue". Something as simple as this can make a user experience more enjoyable, intuitive and informative, to allow for a hassle-free experience.

To use:
Place the toast component on the canvas where you want the messages to appear (typically at the top of the screen) and set some basic styling for each message type.

There are four message types currently available to the Toast component:

- Information
- Success
- Warning
- Error

Each of these has its own visual attributes that distinguish the message that they convey.

How does it work?

The toast add-on creates a message 'stack' and fades and removes each message after its duration is up. Enter the message in the spreadsheet in the pipe-delimited format shown here:

{type}|{title}|{message text}

An example of this would be:

success|Saved|Your preferences were updated successfully.

Then, bind the component to a blank cell and have a secondary component (e.g. a Radio button) push through the respective response into the destination cell.

Here's what it looks like in action!
Questions or comments on this add-on? Head over to the community and join the discussion.
Last Updated 
March 3, 2025
Compatible with  
Squirrel v1.10+
